We’ve added a new feature to our original moon lamp. Now you can submit a picture, note or line of text to be engraved into the moon as it runs through the 3D printer.
This option is great for anyone looking for that added special touch to their birthday present, anniversary gift or creative space.
We offer wholesale options for anyone looking to have their companies logo embossed on the original moon lamp.
Once you have placed your order email our customer service team at info@levitatingmoon.com with the photo or text of your choosing. Once we receive the file we start the magic. At this point make sure that the image being used is high quality to ensure there is a crisp image printed on the moon lamp. We are good at spotting quality issues but 2 sets of eyes are better than 1!
Since there is an added level of customization needed for the new moon lamp. Please note that our processing times will be extended by 7 working days in order to properly render the file. (We cannot rush this part of the order)
We are excited to hear the feedback from all of our customers who have tried the customization so far. It a great feeling being part of that special event in their lives creating a gift that is worth sharing. So ditch the boring socks and flowers and get them something to really show your appreciation. We are happy to ship this new moon lamp all over the world for free. Sign up today and save 10% off your order using the code WELCOME10